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Visual Studio Database Projects for automatic database deployments

January 28, 2021

Working with multiple environments can make it hard to keep databases in sync with code. Use a database project to make it managable.

To avoid one-off scripts or manual steps in deploying database schema changes, a database project can be helpful.

For code-first solutions, migrations are helpful for making sure your local database matches your code.

A manual schema-compare step keeps the database project in sync with your local database.

We then compile the database project to a format the Azure Pipelines understand, and automatically update DBs as part of deployments to keep data in sync.

If a database migration can't happen automatically, the deployment fails and is blocked.

Code-first database updates

Option a. Making DB updates (Code-first Migrations using .net core)

  • Update DB entity in C#
  • Run add-migration asfasdf to create a migration to get your DB to match your local C# entities
  • Run update-database to update your DB
  • Perform schema compare to update your database project's .sql files to match your local env
  • Do not check in your migration file, but do check in the DB snapshot file to ensure future migrations work correctly.

DB-first database updates

or Option b. Making DB updates (DB-first using .net core)

  • Manually update your DB
  • Perform schema compare to update your database project's .sql files to match your local env
  • Do not check in your migration file, but do check in the DB snapshot file to ensure future migrations work correctly.

Initial Setup

  • Create a database project in VS

    • Note: configure your database project to use "Microsoft Azure SQL Database"
  • Perform an initial schema compare - LocalToProject or DevelopmentToProject

    • Note: do not include user or roles in the schema compare or you may impact security/access as you deploy to various environments.
  • Check in your changes to git

  • Add a build step to your azure-pipelines.yml file after your other build steps

    - task: VSBuild@1
    displayName: "Build database project"
       solution: "**/ProjectName.Database.sqlproj"
       msbuildArgs: '/p:OutputPath="$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\drop-dacpac"'
       configuration: "$(BuildConfiguration)"
  • Add a deployment step to your release (before deploying your app)

    Azure SQL Database deployment

    • Azure Service Connection Type: Azure Resource Manager
    • Azure Subscription: $(AzureSubscription)
    • Authentication Type: Connection String
    • Connection String: $(ConnectionString)
    • DACPAC File: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\**\*Database.dacpac

Further reading...